
The LIFE Ministry Internship is a one-year exposure opportunity for those who sense God's call to them to be involved in Missionary and ministry. It is open to everyone provided they are born-again Christians, have a tertiary education level certificate, and have a clear calling to ministry. In this one year they get exposed to training,  ongoing coaching, and field ministry in the areas of their passion eg Student ministry, church training, Jesus Film Missions, Digital outreaches, or Market place Ministry. We also have Teaching opportunities in one of our Primary Schools in Tana River. 

In addition to these, each Intern has the privilege to raise their own support just like all the staff of Life Ministry Kenya. To be successful, each intern is given extensive training as part of their orientation, on the process of developing a team of ministry partners who support them financially and pray for them. 



"It was a year like no other, my calling was sharpened, and my direction clarified in Ministry" Gaceri, Missionary Isiolo. 


"The Year shaped my convictions as I now engage in the market place" Mr Ngunjiri, Quantity Surveyor. 


For application, you can send a letter of interest to copy to

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