Remember: As you grow in your relationship with God, He will reveal His character and will; the Holy Spirit enables us to live a life which reflects both.
A father will tell his son not to touch a hot stove top. He does so not because he wants to squelch his son’s curiosity or take away his fun. Rather, he gives the prohibition because he knows that the stove will burn his child. His motivation is to protect his son from harm as well as provide safety.
Read 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8.
The apostle Paul was complimenting the Thessalonians on their walk with God. Because their desire was to walk with and please God, Paul was encouraging them “to excel still more.” His emphasis was in the area of purity in relationships and, specifically, the sexual area.
Key Points:
On the surface, the Bible appears to be full of negative commandments which seem imposing and dreary. However, we need to remember that God has only one motivation – love. When we understand that He always seeks what is best for us, these commandments become positive.
Behind every negative command are two positive principles. One is to protect us, the other is to provide for us. In other words, when God says, “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” He is not being a cosmic killjoy, as we will see.
God’s command to wait for sex until marriage is given in order to:
Why do you think God wants to protect and provide for you? Look at the following verses and answer in your own words: Romans 8:38, 39; Psalm 103:17, 18; Deuteronomy 10:12.
God protects us by giving us boundaries and limitations to our activities. They are an expression of His love and wisdom and they keep us from doing ourselves harm. Not only do His commands keep us safe from harm but they are also targeted to provide for us in specific ways.
One of the greatest mistakes people can make is to command regarding sex, God wants nothing to do with them. This is simply not true. God is well aware of our sinful tendencies – that is why Jesus Christ came.
For King David, what began with a stare, led not only to adultery and an unwanted pregnancy, but also to a murder. David really blew it. But consider what happened next.
Read Psalms 51:1-17.
David admitted his sin and asked God for forgiveness. Like David, we can receive God’s complete forgiveness and make a clean start.
Here are several important steps to take:
God’s complete love and forgiveness enable us to make a clean start and to live a life pleasing to Him.
Our new life in relationships begins with a decision to live a life pleasing to Him. Read Daniel 1:8.
“But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself with the king’s choice food or with wine which he drank; so he sought permission from the commander of the officials that he might not defile himself.”
Key word:
Defile: To become impure.
Read Hebrews 13:4.
Starting today, is it your desire not to defile yourself and remain pure until marriage?
The following will help you maintain relationships that please God:
As you grow in Christ, you will see how God’s commandments are given with your best interest in mind. Because this is true, choosing to wait is the most rewarding decision we can make.
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